Beau Burnham
Co-Senior Leader
Beau is the "firestarter" half of our senior leadership. Beau is passionate about the Kingdom message and equipping people to do the work of the mission. His zeal and vision are driving forces that push forward into what the Lord has for us as a community.

Rachel Burnham
With her love for her people and her deep prophetic insight, Rachel is the living water to Beau's fire. She seeks to honor every member of the body of Christ, and we rely on her wisdom and compassion to make sure that as we go forward, we go together.

Daniel Wildhaber
Worship Leader
Daniel is an extravagant worshipper with a deep love for the presence of God. He and his team strive to lead by example each week, stepping boldly into the throne room to express their love to our God and King.

Ashley Seigfried
Childrens Ministry leader
Ashley is a compassionate and skilled shepherd and teacher who has devoted both her personal and professional life to pouring into children. She knows that the Holy Spirit is fully available to every believer no matter how small, and is committed to helping our children encounter the love of the Living God.

Erin Beaver
Youth ministry Leader
Erin is a radically sincere woman of faith and powerful teacher who is skilled at making biblical concepts accessible. Whether she is teaching in the youth or the general congregation, you can expect deep revelation and insight.

Beth Crandell
Women's Ministry Leader
Beth is the most compassionate person you'll ever meet, and everything she does she does with excellence. She is passionate about giving every part of her life to God as an act of worship. Her vision is to build a community of women who sit daily at the feet of Jesus and who are a source of mutual support for each other.

Ash Hammack
Leadership Team Assistant
Ash is the admnistration backbone of our pastoral staff. When they dream big, Ash makes those dreams a reality. She is skilled in every area of ministry and serves every team member as needed.