Each local church has a unique place and calling in the Kingdom of God. So how do you know if you fit here and are called to be part of our church? One way is that you can look at our values and mission, and see if it matches what God is calling you to!
We are here to Unleash Kingdom Transformation, and we focus on four main values that drive us in pursuit of that goal:
We are here to Unleash Kingdom Transformation, and we focus on four main values that drive us in pursuit of that goal:
We are a family. We have been adopted into God’s family because of His grace, and we are bound together not by duty but by love. Each of us has unique gifts and passions, and we know that together we are more powerful than we could ever be separately.
Supernatural Breakthrough
We love and expect to see God change people’s lives. We have an ongoing dynamic relationship with a God who speaks and acts. With Him, nothing is impossible. The supernatural is a vital part of our normal lives as followers of Christ.
We believe this beautiful journey of faith is a life long process. Vineyard people are never finished growing. From youngest child to senior leaders, we expect to grow in our faith and to walk in greater and greater unity with God every day of our life.
We exist to bring the love of God and the presence of God to as many people as possible as we go. Whether it’s in our local community or our global missions, we are always looking to bring God’s awesome Kingdom rule to the world around us.
Becoming a Member
Vineyard Jackson does not currently have formal membership. Instead, if you are a follower of Christ and you choose to be part of this family and take up the family mission with us, you belong here. It’s really that simple.