The Lord is My Shepherd...
by Rachel Burnham on October 3rd, 2024
These are well known words from Psalm 23. I'm sure some of you reading this have these words stored up in your hearts and the Spirit of God brings it to your minds when you need this truth most. And today, I just want to remind you of it again..Jesus Christ is your True Shepherd. He is the One who guides us and leads us. He is our only Protector and Provider of all our needs. It is the Lord Christ...  Read More
Our Church Prayer - A Guide
by Ash Hammack on August 9th, 2024
Hi Vineyard Family! Ash here. A while back I was reading through the Exodus story and ran across the song of praise the people of Israel sing after the Lord brought them across the Red Sea. That song includes a line I found to be very familiar!"The Lord is a warrior, and the Lord is his name."I read that and thought, OH! That's where that part of the House Prayer comes from. Well then of course I ...  Read More
Overflowing with Gratitude
by Rachel Burnham on July 11th, 2024
Last Sunday, Beau lead us through Colossians and there was a phrase that has been stuck in my mind all week.  Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, overflowing with gratitude. Colossians 2:6-7 (bold emphasis from me)We have been made one with Christ J...  Read More
A Call to Gather
by Rachel Burnham on July 9th, 2024
This summer, a small group of us have been committing to "working our worship muscles" several times a day. To get physically stronger, it takes consistent and intentional movement with resistance and getting spiritually stronger is really the same. Worship doesn't just happen without our participation. I deeply desire to worship the Lord so the logical thing to do was to set alarms in my phone to...  Read More
The Church is...
by Rachel Burnham on April 15th, 2024
A couple of weeks ago, Beau described something called the redemptive lift.. It is defined as a phenomenon that happens when the Gospel enters the lives of people in a community and then changes the spiritual, social and economic climate of that place. When the Gospel of the Kingdom is preached and lived, it transforms everything. Depending on which study you find, Mississippi ties with Alabama fo...  Read More
Courage with Him
by Rachel Burnham on April 7th, 2024
”Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”“   Joshua‬ ‭1‬:‭9‬ ‭I love this verse. The Lord has brought this to my attention many times right when I needed it throughout the years. In it's context, The Lord is speaking to Joshua about taking over the role of leading the people of Israel into the promised la...  Read More
Think about such things..
by Ash Hammack on February 24th, 2024
I used to be really into the HGTV channel/home improvement network. Just ask my husband ;) I love that in a 30 minute episode a totally dilapidated home becomes beautiful and brand new! Ahhh if only that was real life. Anyway... back when everyone was stuck at home for weeks, I was inspired by all the ideas. I would pretty consistently share these ideas with Beau.  I became particularly fixated on...  Read More
Words for the Vineyard - Removal of Illusions
by Rachel Burnham on February 6th, 2024
When I first realized that we could have a living, real relationship with the Holy Spirit and that He would speak to us, I woke up early every morning to ask God three questions as I read the Bible:  Read More
Words for the Vineyard - Mothering and Fathering
by Rachel Burnham on January 20th, 2024
God desires His whole family. Or His family whole. And He's placed on our house the joy of being fathers and mothers made in His image. And oh what a beautiful house full we have here!  Read More
Words for the Vineyard - Leading from Behind
by Ash Hammack on January 11th, 2024
Jesus didn't lord over the people His rulership and commands although He had every right to. He didn't use force or impressive, coercive speech. He didn't bribe or make faulty deals. He shared His words of life with all that would freely listen and receive. He sacrificed so many ways but one was that He modeled humbling Himself in complete obedience and honor to His Father and the ones that he was given. He showed honor to the most unlikely characters during his ministry. He has certainly continued this pattern for thousands of years! The proof of that is the person on the other side of this screen being called by His voice into this amazing journey of following Him.  Read More
Words for the Vineyard - Back to the Basics
by Rachel Burnham on December 17th, 2023
We have basic needs and core practices to grow in our experience with God and abiding life with Jesus. The beautiful reality is when we come to our Father with a need, He is delighted to meet them.  Read More
Words for the Vineyard - Fire
by Rachel Burnham on December 7th, 2023
When the Gospel hits a heart with the understanding of truth and revelation of who Jesus is, what He's done and who we are in Him, we are lit on fire A new joy is birthed in our innermost being by His Spirit coming alive in us. We have a holy fire in our bellies  Read More