Words for the Vineyard - Unity
This week as I was praying, I found myself staring at the bulletin board in my office. It has many things on it but my eyes were drawn to a list of words. Back in 2020, we gathered as a leadership team on Saturday mornings to seek the Lord and listen to what He was telling us. We were desperate to hear from Him. Our group would take time to pray, listen and write down what we heard/sensed/saw and then circled up to share to practice discerning what the Lord was speaking to our congregation. It was always astonishing how Holy Spirit was saying very similar and connecting things to each of us. Different pieces of the puzzle going to different pieces of His puzzle. Over the course of that year, our precious Carla Hall put them all together in a list of 12 themes. I want to share these words/themes with you over the next several weeks as an encouragement and a challenge to us. These words have no expiration date and we are more desperate than ever to see His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Especially in this beloved Vineyard.
1. Unity- The Lord desires for us to be ONE with Him and ONE with each other. (John 17:20-23) He calls us to live abiding in Jesus (John 15)
Unity doesn't mean sameness or uniformity but it means united as a whole for a certain purpose or goal. As followers of Jesus this means we are united in deep love and commitment to fellowship with Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit and one another to see His glory cover the earth. God desires a supernaturally woven together family! A whole, thriving, alive and healthy body, not just of a similar natural bloodline but united by the blood of Christ and Spirit of the Living God. (John 1:12) Whoa can you imagine it? I believe this looks like being a people who love each other in word and deed, who listen to understand rather than listen to respond, who are slow to speak and slow to get angry, who call out and believe the best in one another and who above all else humble themselves to agree with what the Lord says over our own thoughts, opinions and agendas. I think we would all say we want to be a part of a community like that! And our Father wants it even more. This doesn't mean we will always agree on everything but we are invited to choose to work towards this together, honoring our differences. Sign me up!
Unity is a characteristic of the Kingdom of God and not of the kingdom of darkness. Unity is very powerful. And you better believe the enemy knows how powerful a united people can be. Satan has strategically united common enemies to steal, kill and destroy for ages. So let us not be unaware of his schemes (Ephesians 6).At the tower of Babel the people were united in their pride and arrogance to make a name for themselves. The Lord Himself said "what will be impossible for them because they are all united?." He gave them different languages in order to protect them from themselves and prevent that from happening. We, as believers, are united by the desire to see His Name lifted high and His glory in and through our lives. After all, Jesus said "the world will know you are My disciples by the way you love one another." (John 13:35) With the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the grave living in us as we press forward in unity, what will be impossible for the Body of Christ in this day? Let's make sure we know who we are partnering with.
How is the Lord speaking to you to partner with Him to bring unity in your home, community, workplace or church? Is there someone you need to forgive for an offense? Is there jealousy and strife among you? Is there pain and disappointment that you can invite Jesus into? Is there gossip, slander or resentment active in your relationships?
Let the Lord search your heart today. (Psalm 139)
Take time to confess and repent to the Lord and a trusted brother/sister of anything He brings to your attention. (James 5:16)
Receive His forgiveness and forgive yourself. He loves you and desires your freedom.
Ask Holy Spirit if there is a something specific for you to do to reconcile any relationships that He desires to be restored. As much as it is up to you, be at peace with all people. (Mark 9:50)
This is the desire of our Lord.
Thank y'all for pressing into the Lord! I cannot tell you how much I enjoy and love being a part of this family! We truly have sincere and genuine brothers and sisters in this place! What an honor!
See you Sunday~
For His Glory,
Rachel Burnham
1. Unity- The Lord desires for us to be ONE with Him and ONE with each other. (John 17:20-23) He calls us to live abiding in Jesus (John 15)
Unity doesn't mean sameness or uniformity but it means united as a whole for a certain purpose or goal. As followers of Jesus this means we are united in deep love and commitment to fellowship with Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit and one another to see His glory cover the earth. God desires a supernaturally woven together family! A whole, thriving, alive and healthy body, not just of a similar natural bloodline but united by the blood of Christ and Spirit of the Living God. (John 1:12) Whoa can you imagine it? I believe this looks like being a people who love each other in word and deed, who listen to understand rather than listen to respond, who are slow to speak and slow to get angry, who call out and believe the best in one another and who above all else humble themselves to agree with what the Lord says over our own thoughts, opinions and agendas. I think we would all say we want to be a part of a community like that! And our Father wants it even more. This doesn't mean we will always agree on everything but we are invited to choose to work towards this together, honoring our differences. Sign me up!
Unity is a characteristic of the Kingdom of God and not of the kingdom of darkness. Unity is very powerful. And you better believe the enemy knows how powerful a united people can be. Satan has strategically united common enemies to steal, kill and destroy for ages. So let us not be unaware of his schemes (Ephesians 6).At the tower of Babel the people were united in their pride and arrogance to make a name for themselves. The Lord Himself said "what will be impossible for them because they are all united?." He gave them different languages in order to protect them from themselves and prevent that from happening. We, as believers, are united by the desire to see His Name lifted high and His glory in and through our lives. After all, Jesus said "the world will know you are My disciples by the way you love one another." (John 13:35) With the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the grave living in us as we press forward in unity, what will be impossible for the Body of Christ in this day? Let's make sure we know who we are partnering with.
How is the Lord speaking to you to partner with Him to bring unity in your home, community, workplace or church? Is there someone you need to forgive for an offense? Is there jealousy and strife among you? Is there pain and disappointment that you can invite Jesus into? Is there gossip, slander or resentment active in your relationships?
Let the Lord search your heart today. (Psalm 139)
Take time to confess and repent to the Lord and a trusted brother/sister of anything He brings to your attention. (James 5:16)
Receive His forgiveness and forgive yourself. He loves you and desires your freedom.
Ask Holy Spirit if there is a something specific for you to do to reconcile any relationships that He desires to be restored. As much as it is up to you, be at peace with all people. (Mark 9:50)
This is the desire of our Lord.
Thank y'all for pressing into the Lord! I cannot tell you how much I enjoy and love being a part of this family! We truly have sincere and genuine brothers and sisters in this place! What an honor!
See you Sunday~
For His Glory,
Rachel Burnham

Posted in words for the vineyard
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