Overflowing with Gratitude
Overflowing with Gratitude
Things I'm thankful for this week:
Monday- Jesus is still setting the captives free! His name and blood have all power and authority over every spirit of darkness! He gives wisdom to His people on how to tear down strongholds.
A meal around the table with my family.
Tuesday- Major breakthroughs in hearts being open to the God who is love! Oh the testimonies to come!
The miraculous timing of events
Walking outside in MS in July and not dying from the heat
Simple church had the most people in attendance so far. The prophetic/encouraging words that came from several generations were spot on!
Communion with the brethren was so sweet.
Wednesday- An early morning spent meditating on the Scriptures surrounded by birds singing,
a book given by a thoughtful friend,
precious and faithful women who gather to listen to the Lord, pray and share scriptures to encourage one another.
Receiving text messages about how the Lord moved Sunday during the service and answered prayers
The tangible presence of God in the sanctuary
YOUTH GROUP!!! Last night the youth saw visions and received words from the Lord during worship. Prayers of faith were spoken over one another. They are encountering the Living Breathing God of Glory!!
Thursday- the ability to breathe,
my friend sending worship songs that are right on time for my heart,
The shapes of white clouds against a perfect blue sky, all the shades of green.....
Thank you, Lord. for Your lovingkindess that endures forever.
Monday- Jesus is still setting the captives free! His name and blood have all power and authority over every spirit of darkness! He gives wisdom to His people on how to tear down strongholds.
A meal around the table with my family.
Tuesday- Major breakthroughs in hearts being open to the God who is love! Oh the testimonies to come!
The miraculous timing of events
Walking outside in MS in July and not dying from the heat
Simple church had the most people in attendance so far. The prophetic/encouraging words that came from several generations were spot on!
Communion with the brethren was so sweet.
Wednesday- An early morning spent meditating on the Scriptures surrounded by birds singing,
a book given by a thoughtful friend,
precious and faithful women who gather to listen to the Lord, pray and share scriptures to encourage one another.
Receiving text messages about how the Lord moved Sunday during the service and answered prayers
The tangible presence of God in the sanctuary
YOUTH GROUP!!! Last night the youth saw visions and received words from the Lord during worship. Prayers of faith were spoken over one another. They are encountering the Living Breathing God of Glory!!
Thursday- the ability to breathe,
my friend sending worship songs that are right on time for my heart,
The shapes of white clouds against a perfect blue sky, all the shades of green.....
Thank you, Lord. for Your lovingkindess that endures forever.
Posted in Rachel\\\'s Blog
Powerful and encouraging â¤ï¸
Thank you, Rachel! For sharing your heart and your thoughtsâ¤ï¸