Courage with Him
Courage with Him
”Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”“ Joshua 1:9
I love this verse. The Lord has brought this to my attention many times right when I needed it throughout the years. In it's context, The Lord is speaking to Joshua about taking over the role of leading the people of Israel into the promised land filled with other enemy nations. He gives commands and then He tells him why or how this will be possible.
Be strong. Be courageous. Don’t tremble. Don’t be dismayed. Why? Because the Lord your God is WITH you. Courage comes from knowing who is with us. A child is carefree in unfamiliar places when they are with a safe adult they trust. We encourage teens to always go WITH someone when they venture out. Personally, when Beau and I travel, I check my worries with my bags because I know that WITH him, I’ll get where I need to go. Being aware of who is with us is the key to having courage in the face of every situation.
This week, like so many of you, I've been going over the events that led up to the death and resurrection of our Lord and having just read these accounts in Joshua, I found these familiar words in John 16 striking.
Jesus tries to prepare his disciples for the events coming and he ends his talk by saying this: "Behold, an hour is coming and has come for you to be scattered each to his own home and to leave Me alone: and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation but take courage: I have overcome the world."
If there was ever a time to have courage, it was this week for our King. He knew who He was and who was with Him so He fulfilled every single act fully God and fully man. He knows every fear, disappointment and cruelty that we could ever face. Our lives are His now that we have sanctified Christ as Lord in our hearts. We are In Christ and He is in us. Let's follow His example and be strong and courageous in the face of every day because we know our God is with us.
For His Glory,
Rachel Burnham
I love this verse. The Lord has brought this to my attention many times right when I needed it throughout the years. In it's context, The Lord is speaking to Joshua about taking over the role of leading the people of Israel into the promised land filled with other enemy nations. He gives commands and then He tells him why or how this will be possible.
Be strong. Be courageous. Don’t tremble. Don’t be dismayed. Why? Because the Lord your God is WITH you. Courage comes from knowing who is with us. A child is carefree in unfamiliar places when they are with a safe adult they trust. We encourage teens to always go WITH someone when they venture out. Personally, when Beau and I travel, I check my worries with my bags because I know that WITH him, I’ll get where I need to go. Being aware of who is with us is the key to having courage in the face of every situation.
This week, like so many of you, I've been going over the events that led up to the death and resurrection of our Lord and having just read these accounts in Joshua, I found these familiar words in John 16 striking.
Jesus tries to prepare his disciples for the events coming and he ends his talk by saying this: "Behold, an hour is coming and has come for you to be scattered each to his own home and to leave Me alone: and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation but take courage: I have overcome the world."
If there was ever a time to have courage, it was this week for our King. He knew who He was and who was with Him so He fulfilled every single act fully God and fully man. He knows every fear, disappointment and cruelty that we could ever face. Our lives are His now that we have sanctified Christ as Lord in our hearts. We are In Christ and He is in us. Let's follow His example and be strong and courageous in the face of every day because we know our God is with us.
For His Glory,
Rachel Burnham
Ellie Stayskal's trip to Japan is going so well! Here is an update :
The dancers have been busy performing and traveling city to city very quickly with the transportation system there. So many people are totally unaware of the Gospel. The teams are working with local believers and churches to introduce the community to Jesus. They have been in schools, camps and had a sold out show in a secular theater. The dancers are boldly and courageously sharing their faith and praying with many people. The Lord is on the move and many are hungry!
She says thank you for the prayers!
Come see them perform next Wednesday night at 6:30
She says thank you for the prayers!
Come see them perform next Wednesday night at 6:30
Posted in Rachel\\\'s Blog
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