Saturday evening, Beau read John 17 to the congregation. It contains the prayer of Jesus before He goes through arrest, accusation, condemnation by the people and crucifixion. He asks the Father to make us (all who would believe) one. In unity with one another as Jesus and the Father were in unity. I think most people would say they want unity. Unity in our homes, churches, communities and beyond. It was definitely in the heart of our Lord. But gosh sometimes looking around, we seem so far away from that today. I have some insight on what keeps us from that and what will for sure help us move forward, closer into unity...
Story Time:
On Sunday morning, we had quite an interactive time together. I brought my bucket full of random objects and we practiced selecting things out and using them to creatively share the gospel. I loved the different messages that each person came up with and I'm certain there were some that didn't get to share that would have been so great. The very first person that bravely volunteered to share was a beautiful teenager named Izzy. She came boldly walking up in some cute, fuzzy pajama pants and bright colored socks. And since I had shared moments previously about not judging people based on outside things, I made a joke about everybody not judging her outfit and checking their own hearts about focusing on the outer appearance rather than the heart of people. Everyone laughed and she proceeded to share a powerful message about trusting God to use you even if you feel like the most unlikely person. Moses had a speech impediment and was insecure but the Lord did amazing things. It was so good and I was so proud!
But what I didn't know is that I had hurt her.
I found out later that afternoon and I was devastated because I love her and would never do anything intentionally to wound her. I called her and apologized. No excuses were made. No justification. I took ownership of my wrong and asked for her forgiveness. She graciously decided to forgive me. I am so grateful for reconciliation.
The truth is we hurt each other all the time without realizing it. I believe mostly without intending harm. Sometimes we never are told about the offense. Or when we are told, we blame the other person, cast it off as them being too sensitive and a myriad of other excuses. We don't know what the other person is experiencing or has experienced and in our ignorance do and say things that wound each other. I have no doubt its happened to you or you've done it to someone even this week.
So what can we do about it as people who follow the Way, Lord Jesus?
1. Love each other genuinely. Genuine love does no intentional harm 2. If an offense happens, seek the Lord in how to handle it. Some can be dealt with between you and the Lord and forgiven without relational intervention and some cannot. Especially a repeated offense. Be brave. 3. Take ownership. We have an enemy who loves to divide us and monopolizes situations to do so. We cannot be ignorant of His schemes or how we unknowingly partner with him. If you caused the harm, go and make your sincere apology with no excuses. 4. Forgive. We forgive as we have been forgiven. Fully. Release the pain to the Lord and forgive freely. 5. Go the extra mile to make it right.
My extra mile is gonna look a little different.....
At the end of our phone call, I told Izzy that I would be wearing pajamas to church this coming Sunday. But as I shared this story with the youth last night, we decided everyone would like to wear pajamas together! It's a picture of unity if you will... ;) So I am inviting YOU to a pajama party this Sunday morning during our regular service time. I realize this isn't traditional church attire but that hasn't been a big hurdle for us so far.. why start now?
If this violates your conscience in any way, please wear your normal church attire. Honor the Lord in all your ways. Our clothing may be casual but may our hearts always be fully reverent unto Him.
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