Words for the Vineyard - Leading from Behind
by Ash Hammack on January 11th, 2024
Jesus didn't lord over the people His rulership and commands although He had every right to. He didn't use force or impressive, coercive speech. He didn't bribe or make faulty deals. He shared His words of life with all that would freely listen and receive. He sacrificed so many ways but one was that He modeled humbling Himself in complete obedience and honor to His Father and the ones that he was given. He showed honor to the most unlikely characters during his ministry. He has certainly continued this pattern for thousands of years! The proof of that is the person on the other side of this screen being called by His voice into this amazing journey of following Him.  Read More
Words for the Vineyard - Back to the Basics
by Rachel Burnham on December 17th, 2023
We have basic needs and core practices to grow in our experience with God and abiding life with Jesus. The beautiful reality is when we come to our Father with a need, He is delighted to meet them.  Read More
Words for the Vineyard - Fire
by Rachel Burnham on December 7th, 2023
When the Gospel hits a heart with the understanding of truth and revelation of who Jesus is, what He's done and who we are in Him, we are lit on fire A new joy is birthed in our innermost being by His Spirit coming alive in us. We have a holy fire in our bellies  Read More
Words for the Vineyard - Pioneering
by Rachel Burnham on November 29th, 2023
We like fast food, faster check out lines and don't you dare get in the left lane if you're not going to put that pedal down! But what if the Lord is asking us to be pioneers of a different way of living and existing? With the world pumping out "produce more and faster", we are called to pioneer resting in Christ and letting Him do the producing through us.  Read More
Words for the Vineyard - Old & New
by Rachel Burnham on November 22nd, 2023
Jonathan Edwards, an American revivalist in the 1700s, once said, "The task of every generation is to discover the direction in which the Sovereign Redeemer is moving, and then to move in that direction.” We desire to be a people who actively follow our Living God day by day. Lord, let Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Read More
Words for the Vineyard - Interdependence of the Team
by Rachel Burnham on November 9th, 2023
The real issue begins when we start to rely on ourselves completely and ultimately exalt ourselves as the god of our lives. This kind of independence can lead to loneliness, depression, anxiety, bitterness, stress and so many more negative health effects. Our physical bodies become sick and weak under this kind of pressure. You were never meant to carry it all alone.  Read More
Words for the Vineyard - Training For Battle
by Rachel Burnham on November 1st, 2023
According to the scriptures, we are in a battle. Every.single.day. There's an all-out war for our soul's affection and devotion. "If you don't think you're in a battle, that means you're already losing."  Read More
Words for the Vineyard - Unity
by Rachel Burnham on October 26th, 2023
Unity doesn't mean sameness or uniformity but it means united as a whole for a certain purpose or goal. As followers of Jesus this means we are united in deep love and commitment to fellowship with Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit and one another to see His glory cover the earth.  Read More